You’ve probably heard about gut health and the role it plays in human wellness. But did you know good gut health can have a major impact on turkeys, too?

nonzymes enzymes
Novozymes is developing feed ingredients to optimize digestibility and nutritional absorption.

The National Turkey Federation’s Table Talk series helps provide an in-depth look at all that goes into raising turkeys and bringing them to market. Maintaining a healthy flock and continuing to improve sustainable practices is important to every turkey grower. And as much as we might love to eat, turkeys love mealtime even more. That’s where Novozymes, a leading enzyme company within the animal nutrition and health sector, plays an important role in helping turkeys make most of their feed.

novozymes balancius
Balancius is Novozymes’ newest enzyme.

In this edition of Table Talk, NTF sits down to get to the gut of the matter with Novozymes’ Robert Vergo, Director – Animal Health and Nutrition, and Mikkel Klausen, Science Manager – Animal Health and Nutrition. Enzymes have the power to maximize feed utilization, optimize feed costs, reduce the environmental impact of animal production and improve animal health and welfare. In our conversation, they highlighted Balancius, the newest enzyme solution Novozymes is working on in an alliance with DSM for improved gut health and performance in poultry.  

Science and Sustainability

Interested in the science behind it all? Vergo and Klausen know all about the hard work that goes into discovering solutions that enhance gut health in poultry, reduce the climate footprint and keep sustainability in focus.

Take a few minutes to watch our full conversation with Novozymes to learn more about the detailed research that goes into developing new enzymes and feed ingredients.