BBQ Gobblers



1 tsp oil


1/4 c diced onion

1/2 c commercial barbecue sauce

2 tbsp brown sugar

2- 7.5-oz Cans refrigerated biscuits

1-1/2 c sharp Cheddar cheese, grated



Heat oil in medium sauté pan. Add turkey and onion; sauté until turkey is no longer pink and onion is tender.

Add barbecue sauce and sugar. Mix well.

Place one biscuit in muffin pan, flatten pressing up the sides. Fill ¾'s full with turkey mixture. Repeat until all ingredients are used. (It is easier to work with the dough if the biscuits are kept in the refrigerator and you work with one can at a time.)

Sprinkle cheese atop each.

Bake in a preheated 400 degree F. oven for 10-15 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown.

Nutrition Facts

150 Total Calories

8 g Total Fat

2 g Saturated Fat

25 g Cholesterol

350 mg Sodium

11 g Total Carbohydrates

0 g Dietary Fiber

3 g Sugars

8 g Protein

2 % Daily Protein

0 % Daily Vitamin C

6 % Daily Calcium

4 % Daily Iron