Bombay Turkey Appetizers



8 oz cream cheese, softened

2 tbsp mayonnaise

1-1/2 c COOKED TURKEY, minced

1 c almonds, chopped

1 tbsp mango chutney

1 tbsp curry powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 c grated coconut



Combine cream cheese and mayonnaise. Add cooked turkey, almonds, chutney, curry powder and salt. Mix well.

Roll into ½-inch rounds. Roll in coconut.

Cover and chill for several hours. Serve chilled on a lettuce-lined plate.

Makes about 24 appetizer rounds.

Nutrition Facts

90 Total Calories

7 g Total Fat

3 g Saturated Fat

20 g Cholesterol

100 mg Sodium

20 g Total Carbohydrates

1 g Dietary Fiber

1 g Sugars

5 g Protein

2 % Daily Protein

0 % Daily Vitamin C

2 % Daily Calcium

4 % Daily Iron