Enchilada Turkey Soup



3 qt cold water

4 lbs TURKEY PARTS (wings, legs, thighs, breast)

1 Large carrot, peeled and cut in 3 chunks

1 Large sweet onion, qtered

2 Stalks celery, rough cut

1 lb unsalted butter

1 lb yellow onions, diced

3 tbsp garlic, minced

2 oz fresh jalapeños, seeded and small dice

1 lb corn tortillas, chopped in 1/2-inch cubes

1-1/2 lbs tomato puree

1-1/2 lbs Cheddar cheese sauce

2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 tsp hot pepper sauce

1/4 c chili powder

2 tsp ground cumin

1-1/2 tsp dried oregano

4 oz old fashioned biscuit gravy mix

To Taste salt and freshly ground pepper




Bring cold water to a boil add turkey parts and carrot, 1 quartered onion and celery.

When the turkey is cooked through, remove from stock.

Chill and debone turkey. Cover and chill turkey meat. Return bones to the stock. Continue to simmer for an additional 30 minutes.

Strain bones from the stock and reserve all of the stock. Separate and reserve 4 cups of stock, in the refrigerator, to be used later.


Melt butter over medium heat in a large stock pot.

Add 1 pound diced onions and sauté until translucent.

Add garlic, jalapeños and corn tortillas, cook for 3 minutes while stirring.

Add 2 quarts strained turkey stock, tomato puree, cheese sauce, lemon juice, hot sauce, chili powder, cumin and dried oregano.

In a small sauce pan, bring 3 cups of the reserved stock to a boil.

Add biscuit gravy mix to the remaining 1 cup reserved stock while it is at room temperature and whisk together. Add the 1 cup slurry to the 3 cups boiling stock. Whisk while it is simmering until it has thickened. Add thickened slurry to the soup.

Return cooked turkey to the soup and reheat thoroughly. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.

Yields: 24 - 8 ounce servings.


Nutrition Facts

Total Calories 350

Calories from Fat 200

Total Fat 23 g

% Daily Total Fat 35

Saturated Fat 12 g

% Daily Saturated Fat 60

Cholesterol 80 g

% Daily Cholesterol 27

Sodium 960 mg

% Daily Sodium 40

Total Carbohydrates 21 g

% Daily Total Carbohydrates 7

Dietary Fiber 2 g

% Daily Dietary Fiber 8

Sugars 4 g

Protein 14 g

% Daily Protein 30

% Daily Vitamin C 15

% Daily Calcium 6

% Daily Iron 10