1-1/4 lbs egg whites
1-1/2 qt plain bread crumbs
5 oz pimientos, diced and drained well
1/4 c Worcestershire sauce
3 tbsp onion powder
1-1/2 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp ground celery seed
1 tbsp rubbed sage
1 tbsp ground mustard
1 tbsp ground thyme
Combine all ingredients in the mixer bowl. Use the dough hook and blend until well combined.
Divide into 2 equal parts, shape into loaves and place in ungreased or non-stick loaf pans.
Bake in a preheated 300 degree F convection oven for 45-50 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F.
Drain any drippings. Let cool for about 15 minutes before slicing.
Yields: 24, 5-ounce servings.
280 Total Calories
30 Calories from Fat
3 g Total Fat
5 % Daily Total Fat
0 g Saturated Fat
0 % Daily Saturated Fat
55 g Cholesterol
18 % Daily Cholesterol
350 mg Sodium
15 % Daily Sodium
22 g Total Carbohydrates
7 % Daily Total Carbohydrates
2 g Dietary Fiber
8 % Daily Dietary Fiber
3 g Sugars
41 g Protein
4 % Daily Protein
10 % Daily Vitamin C
6 % Daily Calcium
20 % Daily Iron