1 c panko bread crumbs
1 tbsp fresh tarragon, chopped
1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
1 tbsp fresh chives, chopped
Salt and pepper As needed
Egg wash As needed
6 6-oz TURKEY PAILLARDS, lbed to an even thickness of 1/3-inch
Unsalted butter As needed
2 c potato, large dice
1 lb crayfish tails
2 c chopped onions
1 lb asparagus, peeled, blanched, cut into 1-inch pieces
3 Large red bell peppers, seeded and chopped
2 c chopped onions
1 Clove minced garlic
2 tbsp olive oil, divided
3 Large yellow bell peppers, seeded and chopped
2 c chopped onions
1 Clove minced garlic
Fresh tarragon sprigs As needed
Mix bread crumbs, tarragon, parsley, chives, salt and pepper together.
Dip turkey in egg wash, then in the panko-herb mixture.
Sauté turkey until brown and oven-finish.
Heat butter. Sauté potatoes, crayfish, onions and asparagus together until tender. Season with salt and pepper.
Prepare red pepper coulis by sautéing red peppers, 2 cups onion and 1 clove garlic in olive oil until tender. Add turkey stock to just cover vegetables. Simmer for 30 minutes. Puree in blender or food processor. Strain through a fine sieve and reserve. Heat coulis and season with salt and pepper.
Prepare yellow pepper coulis by sautéing yellow peppers, 2 cups onion and 1 clove garlic in olive oil until tender. Add turkey stock to just cover vegetables. Simmer for 30 minutes. Puree in blender or food processor. Strain through a fine sieve and reserve. Heat coulis and season with salt and pepper.
Sauce each dinner plate with the red and yellow coulis mixtures.
Spoon the crayfish hash in center of the plate.
Place turkey tenderloin atop the crayfish. Garnish with fresh tarragon.
590 Total Calories
150 Calories from Fat
17 g Total Fat
26 % Daily Total Fat
7 g Saturated Fat
35 % Daily Saturated Fat
290 g Cholesterol
97 % Daily Cholesterol
1050 mg Sodium
44 % Daily Sodium
47 g Total Carbohydrates
16 % Daily Total Carbohydrates
8 g Dietary Fiber
32 % Daily Dietary Fiber
14 g Sugars
62 g Protein
80 % Daily Protein
590 % Daily Vitamin C
15 % Daily Calcium
30 % Daily Iron