Malaysian Turkey Curry



2-3 oz canola oil

48 (2-oz) Slices BONELESS SKINLESS TURKEY BREAST, lightly lbed to an even thickness

1 c flour

6 Cloves garlic, chopped fine

3 oz ginger, chopped fine

8 Medium shallots, chopped fine

1/3 c curry paste


3 Whole cinnamon sticks

1 Whole clove

3 Medium fresh jalapenos, halved

2 Whole star anise

16 oz unsweetened coconut milk

2 lbs jasmine rice

4 oz seedless raisins

1 c fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped

24 Small fresh jalapenos, thinly cut lengthwise into flowers




In large brazier, heat oil. Lightly dust slices of turkey with flour and add to hot oil.

Brown both sides of turkey and remove from oil. Place on sheet pans.

Add garlic, ginger and shallots to remaining oil and sauté for 2-3 minutes.

Stir in curry paste and sauté for 1 minute. Blend in stock, cinnamon, cloves, jalapeño halves, anise and coconut milk. Simmer for 10-15 minutes as curry sauce develops.

Meanwhile, steam rice.

Add browned turkey to sauce pouring in any juices; simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Remove turkey. Remove jalapeño halves, cinnamon stick, clove and anise from curry sauce.

Mix raisins into cooked jasmine rice.


Plate 2 slices of turkey with 4 ounces steamed jasmine rice. Spoon curry sauce over turkey.

Top with chopped cilantro and garnish each portion with a jalapeño flower.


Nutrition Facts

370 Total Calories

80 Calories from Fat

8 g Total Fat

12 % Daily Total Fat

4 g Saturated Fat

23 % Daily Saturated Fat

75 g Cholesterol

25 % Daily Cholesterol

190 mg Sodium

8 % Daily Sodium

40 g Total Carbohydrates

13 % Daily Total Carbohydrates

1 g Dietary Fiber

4 % Daily Dietary Fiber

4 g Sugars

31 g Protein

2 % Daily Protein

2 % Daily Vitamin C

2 % Daily Calcium

15 % Daily Iron