1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/3 c maple syrup
1/4 c reduced-sodium tamari soy sauce
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp Chinese chili paste with garlic
8 Cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp 5-spice powder
Season the turkey interior and exterior with salt and pepper.
In a 2-cup bowl, whisk together maple syrup, soy sauce, red wine vinegar, chili paste, garlic and 5-spice powder. Pour over turkey, coating all surfaces.
Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours.
Drain turkey and place breast side up, on a rack in a large shallow roasting pan.
Roast in a preheated 325°F. oven for about 60-65 minutes, basting with pan juices. Continue cooking, uncovered, until the buttonhead of the timer pops up and the internal temperature registers 165°F.
Allow to rest for 10 minutes before carving.
260 Total Calories
11 g Total Fat
3 g Saturated Fat
105 g Cholesterol
405 mg Sodium
449 mg Potassium
0 g Total Carbohydrates
0 g Dietary Fiber
0 g Sugars
35 g Protein
0 % Daily Protein
0 % Daily Vitamin C
2 % Daily Calcium
10 % Daily Iron