Marinated Turkey Breast Cutlet with Marinara Sauce

Culinary Setting
Boneless Breast


3 Pints mild cider vinegar

2/3 c vegetable oil

1/4 c sugar

1/2 c fresh basil, chopped

1/2 c fresh oregano, chopped

To Taste salt and white pepper


9 lbs tomatoes, canned, whole

3/4 c olive oil

1/3 c garlic, minced

To Taste salt

To Taste black pepper, freshly ground

3/4 c fresh basil, chopped

1/3 c fresh parsley, chopped

12 oz butter substitute for broiling

1 Bunch fresh oregano



Combine ingredients for marinade. Add turkey steaks, cover and marinate 1 hour in refrigerator.

Marinara Sauce

Squeeze out the seeds from tomatoes into a small sieve, discard seeds and save all juices. Dice the tomatoes small.

Heat the olive oil in a large sauce pan and add the garlic. Cook over moderate heat for a minute or so, but do not brown. Add the strained juice from the tomatoes.

Add the diced tomatoes. Simmer over moderate heat until the sauce starts to thicken, at least 45 minutes to one hour.

Add the salt and pepper; remove from the heat. Stir in the basil and parsley.


Brush broiler with butter substitute. Broil turkey 4 minutes per side.

Pool 2 ounces of Marinara Sauce on plate and top with broiled turkey.

Garnish with fresh oregano sprigs.

Nutrition Facts

Total Calories 240

Calories from Fat 45

Total Fat 5 g

% Daily Total Fat 8

Saturated Fat 1 g

% Daily Saturated Fat 5

Cholesterol 115 g

% Daily Cholesterol 38

Sodium 250 mg

% Daily Sodium 10

Total Carbohydrates 6 g

% Daily Total Carbohydrates 2

Dietary Fiber 1 g

% Daily Dietary Fiber 4

Sugars 2 g

Protein 41 g

% Daily Protein 6

% Daily Vitamin C 15

% Daily Calcium 4

% Daily Iron 15