2 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 Bunch sage leaves, chopped
2 tbsp lavender
1/2 Bunch savory leaves, chopped
2 c mild honey
2 c Madeira wine
1/4 c cider vinegar
Preheat a heavy skillet over medium heat. Add coriander seeds and toast until fragrant. Remove pan from heat.
When seeds are cool, grind them to a powder.
Add sage, lavender, savory leaves, honey, Madeira and vinegar to the ground coriander. Mix well.
In a bowl large enough to submerge the turkey breast, add turkey. Pour marinade over the turkey, ensuring it is completely covered. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 10-12 hours.
Drain the turkey breast. Thread turkey evenly on the rotisserie-spit fork using a counterweight to achieve an even balance.
Place a drip pan in the center of the oven beneath the area where the turkey juices will drip.
Place the turkey in a preheated 350 degree F oven. Rotisserie cook the turkey until the internal temperature of the turkey reaches 165 degrees F in the breast.
Remove the turkey from the skewer. Let rest for 20 minutes before carving.
210 Total Calories
70 Calories from Fat
6 g Total Fat
8 % Daily Total Fat
1 g Saturated Fat
8 % Daily Saturated Fat
35 g Cholesterol
12 % Daily Cholesterol
690 mg Sodium
29 % Daily Sodium
16 g Total Carbohydrates
5 % Daily Total Carbohydrates
2 g Dietary Fiber
8 % Daily Dietary Fiber
6 g Sugars
10 g Protein
25 % Daily Protein
30 % Daily Vitamin C
6 % Daily Calcium
6 % Daily Iron