Parmesan Oven-Fried Turkey

Culinary Setting
Cooking Style
Boneless Breast


2 c fine dry bread crumbs

1-1/3 c grated Parmesan cheese

1-1/2 c chopped fresh parsley

1 tsp garlic powder

6 lbs TURKEY CUTLETS, 4-oz each and lbed to an even thickness

1 c reduced-calorie Italian dressing


1. Combine bread crumbs, Parmesan, fresh parsley and garlic powder.

2. Quickly dip cutlets in Italian dressing and shake off excess liquid. Then dredge in Parmesan/crumb mixture.

3. Place on parchment-lined 18x26x1-inch pans and cover. Freeze for a minimum of 1 hour.

4. Bake, uncovered, for 35 minutes in a 325 degree F oven for 35 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 170 degrees F.

Nutrition Facts

Total Calories 372

Total Fat 11 g

% Daily Total Fat 27

Cholesterol 103 g

Sodium 276 mg

Total Carbohydrates 6 g

Protein 32 g