Red Chile Turkey Breast



2 tbsp ground white pepper

2 tbsp ground cinnamon

2 tbsp ground ginger

1/4 c light brown sugar

1/4 c red wine vinegar

1 tbsp sesame oil

1/4 c peanut oil

1 tbsp ground fennel seed

1 tbsp canned chipotles, pureed

2 tbsp ancho chile powder




Whisk together the first ten ingredients in a medium bowl. Pour marinade into a very large self-sealing plastic bag. Add turkey, close bag and turn several times to completely coat turkey with marinade.

Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, turning occasionally.

Remove turkey from marinade and discard used marinade.

Prepare grill for medium indirect heat cooking. For gas grills, follow manufacturer's directions. For charcoal grills, arrange hot gray coals around outside edges of grill with a drip pan in center. Place turkey breast, skin-side-up, on oiled grill rack, directly over drip pan. Cover grill. Turkey is done when the buttonhead of the timer pops up and the internal temperature reaches 170 degrees F.

Remove turkey breast from grill and let stand 15 minutes before slicing.

NOTE: Grilling time depends on size and shape of turkey, distance from heat, temperature of coals and outside air temperature. Estimate 15-18 minutes per pound with a covered grill.

Nutrition Facts

560 Total Calories

22 g Total Fat

6 g Saturated Fat

215 g Cholesterol

180 mg Sodium

842 mg Potassium

0 g Total Carbohydrates

0 g Dietary Fiber

0 g Sugars

84 g Protein

0 % Daily Protein

0 % Daily Vitamin C

6 % Daily Calcium

25 % Daily Iron