4 lbs, 10 oz rotini pasta, dry
3/4 lb margarine
12 oz flour
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp white pepper
1-1/2 tbsp Italian/pizza seasoning*, *combination of oregano, basil, and garlic
1 Gallon skim milk
5 lbs, 6 oz TURKEY HAM, diced into 1/2-inch pieces
3 lbs, 2 oz Mozzarella or Swiss cheese, shredded
6 oz green pepper, finely chopped
Cook pasta in boiling water until almost tender. Drain and set aside.
Prepare sauce: Melt margarine over medium heat in steam-jacketed kettle or large pot. Whip in flour and all seasonings. Stir until blended.
Gradually stir in milk, adding one to two quarts initially. Cook 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring frequently, until sauce is thickened and bubbly.
Prepare two 12x20x2-inch steam table pans, for each pan add: 3/4 gallon cooked pasta, 2 pounds-12 ounces of turkey ham (approximately 1/2 gallon), 1 pound-9 ounces of shredded cheese, 3/4 cup (3 ounces) of green pepper, and 1/2 gallon plus 1 cup of sauce.
Stir to blend.
Cover and bake. Conventional oven: 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 55 minutes. Convection oven: 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes.
Cut each pan, 5x5, and serve hot.
Each portion yields 2 ounces meat and 1 serving of grains/bread.
398 Total Calories
14 g Total Fat
31 % Daily Total Fat
46 g Cholesterol
887 mg Sodium
42 g Total Carbohydrates
26 g Protein