Smoked Turkey Roll-Up with Peach Salsa

Culinary Setting
Deli Turkey


1-1/2 lbs cream cheese, softened

1 c chopped pecans, toasted

5 c fresh or canned sliced peaches, well drained and diced (peeled, if fresh)

1 c peach preserves

3/4 c finely diced red onion

3/4 c finely diced red bell pepper

1/2 c fresh chopped parsley

2 Cloves fresh garlic, minced

1/3 c freshly squeezed lime juice

To Taste salt and freshly ground black pepper

20 (8-inch) whole wheat flour tortillas

3 3/4 lbs SMOKED TURKEY BREAST, sliced thin


Cream Cheese Spread

Blend together cream cheese and pecans until spread is well combined. Spread may be made 2 days ahead. Cover and kept chilled.

Peach Salsa

Mix peaches, preserves, onion, bell pepper, parsley, garlic and lime juice. Season with salt and pepper. Cover and hold for service in refrigerator.

Assembly and Service

Spread 1-1/2 tablespoons cream cheese mixture on each tortilla. Layer with 3 ounces smoked turkey and 1 romaine leaf. Spoon 1 tablespoon peach salsa down center of each and roll up tightly.

Serve each with 1/4 cup peach salsa on the side.