Tempting Turkey Broth

Culinary Setting
Whole Turkey


Turkey bones left from whole turkey, including skin

1 carrot, pared

1 sprig fresh parsley

2 stalks celery, chopped into large pieces

1 small onion, chopped into large pieces

1 bay leaf

6 peppercorns



Combine all ingredients in a large stock pot. Cover with 6 cups of water and bring to boil. Skim foam from surface; cover and simmer 1-1/2 to 2 hours.

Cool slightly and strain. Remove any fat from surface of broth; pour into freezer containers and freeze for later use in preparing soup.

Nutrition Facts

72 Total Calories

2 g Total Fat

25 % Daily Total Fat

807 mg Sodium

10 g Total Carbohydrates

6 g Protein