4 lbs COOKED TURKEY BREAST, cut into 1/2-inch chunks
1/2 c dry sherry
1-1/3 tbsp cornstarch
3/4 c reduced-sodium soy sauce, DIVIDED
8 Small hot red and/or green chilies
4 Pieces fresh ginger root, about 3/4-inch diameter X 3 inches long
8 (8-oz) each yellow squash
8 (8-oz) each zucchini
8 Medium carrots
1 c fresh basil leaves, chiffonade and loosely packed
1/2 c salad oil, DIVIDED
In small bowl, mix turkey, sherry, cornstarch and 1/2 cup soy sauce. Set aside.
Remove stems and seed from chilies; cut into very thin strips.
Peel ginger root, cut lengthwise into very thin slices; cut slices into hair-thin strips.
With vegetable peeler, shave yellow squash, zucchini, and carrots into long, thin strips. Set vegetable ribbons aside.
Place 1/4 cup salad oil in skillet. Over medium heat, cook chilies and ginger root strips 1 to 2 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from oil and place in bowl with basil leaves.
In same skillet, add yellow squash, zucchini and carrot strips with 1/4 cup soy sauce and cook just until wilted; stirring gently and frequently. Remove vegetables to platter.
In same skillet, add 1/4 cup salad oil. Over high heat, cook turkey mixture 1-1/2 to 2 minutes, stirring quickly and constantly.
Add basil mixture, cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
Spoon turkey onto platter with vegetable ribbons. Serve immediately.
350 Total Calories
130 Calories from Fat
15 g Total Fat
23 % Daily Total Fat
2 g Saturated Fat
13 % Daily Saturated Fat
95 g Cholesterol
32 % Daily Cholesterol
860 mg Sodium
36 % Daily Sodium
14 g Total Carbohydrates
5 % Daily Total Carbohydrates
4 g Dietary Fiber
16 % Daily Dietary Fiber
7 g Sugars
38 g Protein
90 % Daily Protein
90 % Daily Vitamin C
6 % Daily Calcium
20 % Daily Iron