1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 oz sweet onions, sliced and sautéed
1 oz red bell pepper, seeded, sliced and sautéed
4 oz OVEN ROASTED TURKEY BREAST, skinless and julienned
1 oz mixed greens, chilled
1 oz black olives, seeded and chopped
1 tbsp scallions, chopped
Heat oil in sauté pan. Sauté onions and peppers in hot oil until tender crisp. Add turkey and continue to sauté for 1 minute.
Toss mixed greens, olives and scallions together. Place mixed greens on chilled plate.
Arrange turkey and sautéed vegetables atop greens.
Serve with warm Italian bread.
Total Calories 330
Calories from Fat 160
Total Fat 18 g
% Daily Total Fat 28
Saturated Fat 1 g
% Daily Saturated Fat 8
Cholesterol 95 g
% Daily Cholesterol 32
Sodium 320 mg
% Daily Sodium 13
Total Carbohydrates 8 g
% Daily Total Carbohydrates 3
Dietary Fiber 3 g
% Daily Dietary Fiber 12
Sugars 3 g
Protein 35 g
% Daily Protein 35
% Daily Vitamin C 100
% Daily Calcium 6
% Daily Iron 20