Turkey Liver Pate



1 Medium celery rib, rough chop

1 c white onion, rough chop AND divided

3 lbs TURKEY LIVERS, rinsed

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper

1/3 c braised turkey leg broth, jellied

As needed sweet onions, finely chopped

As needed crackers


Grind celery and ¾ cup onion in a food processor. Place in a small saucepan and reduce for about 3 to 5 minutes. Cover and chill.

Place turkey livers in a saucepan, cover with cold water. Add ¼ cup rough chop onions and bring to a simmer.

Cook the livers through, but do not over cook.

Cool livers under cold running water. Drain well.

Place cool livers in a food processor with the celery/onion mixture. Grind into a paste. Add salt and pepper.

Continue processing while gradually adding small pieces of the jellied turkey leg broth. Process until a smooth pate is formed.

Serve with finely chopped onions and crackers.

Yields: 8 appetizer servings with a 2-1/2 ounce portion of pate.

Nutrition Facts

Total Calories 410

Calories from Fat 250

Total Fat 28 g

% Daily Total Fat 43

Saturated Fat 9 g

% Daily Saturated Fat 45

Cholesterol 565 g

% Daily Cholesterol 188

Sodium 310 mg

% Daily Sodium 13

Total Carbohydrates 6 g

% Daily Total Carbohydrates 2

Dietary Fiber 0 g

% Daily Dietary Fiber 2

Sugars 1 g

Protein 31 g

% Daily Protein 2460

% Daily Vitamin C 70

% Daily Calcium 2

% Daily Iron 110