Turkey Medallions Piccata



1 lb TURKEY TENDERLOINS, cut into 3/4-inch medallions

Salt & freshly ground black pepper

1 Large clove garlic, crushed

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp unsalted butter

1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

4 tsp capers, well drained


Gently pound turkey medallions to an even thickness. Pat medallions dry with clean paper towels. Lightly sprinkle each medallion with salt and pepper.

In large non-stick skillet, over medium-high heat, heat oil and butter. Add turkey and saute for approximately 1-1/2 minutes per side, turning each medallion over when edges have turned from pink to white. Continue cooking medallions until food thermometer reaches 165 degrees F and all centers of medallions are no longer pink.

Remove skillet from heat. Stir lemon juice into sauce and sprinkle capers over top of medallions. Pour sauce over turkey and serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts

Total Calories 150

Total Fat 4 g

% Daily Total Fat 24

Cholesterol 70 g

Sodium 162 mg

Total Carbohydrates 1 g

Protein 27 g