Turkey Molé



9 lb WHOLE TURKEY, thawed

2 Medium carrots, rough chop

2 celery ribs, rough chop

1 Large onion, rough chop

1 cinnamon stick

1/2 tsp whole allspice

2 guajillo chiles

2 pasilla chiles

4 oz sesame seeds

6 oz pumpkin seeds

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 Small onion

As needed olive oil

4 plum tomatoes

4 garlic cloves

1 fresh thyme sprig

1 tsp dried oregano


To taste salt

2 oz semisweet chocolate, chopped



Cut the turkey into eight pieces and place it in a large stockpot. Add the chopped carrot, celery and onion along with enough cold water to cover the turkey by 1-2 inches. Bring to a boil and immediately reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer gently until done, about 1-1/2 hours, adding water as necessary to keep the turkey and vegetables completely covered.

Remove the turkey from the pot, and then strain the stock through a fine mesh strainer. Reserve the stock and discard the vegetable pieces. Arrange the turkey in one or two large roasting pans, cover and refrigerate until the sauce is ready to use.

Grind the cinnamon and allspice in a spice grinder.

Stem and seed the guajillo and pasilla chiles. Break them into small pieces and simmer them in water for 15 minutes. Drain well.

Combine the sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and cumin seeds and fry them in a dry sauté pan until well toasted.

Slice the small onion approximately 1/2 inch (1.2 centimeters) thick. Brush it with olive oil and grill it until well colored.

Roast the tomatoes in the flame of a gas burner until they are evenly charred and blistered. Remove the cores, peel the tomatoes and chop them coarsely.

Combine the cinnamon and allspice with the chiles, toasted seeds, onions, tomatoes, garlic, thyme, oregano and turkey stock in a saucepan. Season with salt and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and remove the sprig of thyme.

Blend the sauce with an emersion blender (or in a regular blender) until smooth. Strain through a china cap and stir in the chocolate until it melts. Adjust the seasonings. Yields: 1 quart of sauce.

Pour the molé sauce over the turkey. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees F until the turkey is thoroughly reheated to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F. Cut the turkey from the bones and serve with rice and sauce.


Nutrition Facts

Total Calories 470

Calories from Fat 210

Total Fat 24 g

% Daily Total Fat 7

Saturated Fat 7 g

% Daily Saturated Fat 35

Cholesterol 160 g

% Daily Cholesterol 53

Sodium 520 mg

% Daily Sodium 22

Total Carbohydrates 5 g

% Daily Total Carbohydrates 2

Dietary Fiber 1 g

% Daily Dietary Fiber 4

Sugars 3 g

Protein 56 g

% Daily Protein 4

% Daily Vitamin C 4

% Daily Calcium 6

% Daily Iron 45