Turkey Pot Pie with Puff Pastry Rounds

40 MIN


4 c COOKED Or PULLED TURKEY, Cut Into Large Dice

1/2 c Flour

1/2 c Oil

1 Yellow Onion, Finely Diced

1 c Finely Diced Carrots

1 c Finely Diced Celery

2 c Cooked/Blanched Green Beans, Cut Into 1-Inch Pieces

2 Small Summer Squash, Diced


1 tbsp Dried Thyme Leaves

Salt And Freshly Ground Black Pepper To Taste

2 Sheets (10" X 15") Puff Pastry Dough, Thawed

Fresh Herbs For Garnish As Needed


PRE-PREP: Coat diced turkey with flour.

Heat cooking oil, add turkey and onions and sauté until flour browns.

Add all other vegetables, stock and thyme; simmer for 20 minutes. Adjust seasoning.

Cover and chill. Hold for service.

PUFF PASTRY ROUNDS: Preheat oven according to puff pastry directions.

Cut the puff pastry into 3 to 3-1/2-inch circles. Bake puff pastry according to the package directions.

SERVICE: Reheat turkey mixture to 165 degrees F.

To serve, place hot turkey mixture in shallow pasta bowls and top with cooked puff pastry circles. Garnish with fresh herbs.