Turkey Pot Roast



2 lbs TURKEY THIGHS, skin removed

2 Small onions, peeled and qtered

1 tbsp vegetable oil


2 Cloves garlic, minced

3/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp dried basil

1/2 tsp pepper

1/4 tsp dried thyme leaves

4 Small potatoes, peeled and cut in half

4 Small carrots, peeled and cut into chunks

1 tbsp cornstarch

1/4 c cold water

2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped


In 5-quart Dutch oven over medium-high heat, brown turkey thighs and onions 8 to 9 minutes in vegetable oil, turning thighs after 4 minutes. Add turkey broth, garlic, salt, basil, pepper and thyme. Bring to boil, quickly reduce heat to low, cover and cook 50-60 minutes or until turkey is tender.

Remove thighs from pan; add potatoes and carrots. Retun turkey thighs to Dutch oven and place them over vegetables. Return mixture to boil; again, quickly reduce to low heat, cover and cook 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender.

Remove turkey and vegetables to platter. Keep warm. In small bowl combine cornstarch and water; stir into hot pan juices and cook 1 minute over medium heat or until mixture is thickened.

To serve, pour sauce over turkey and vegetables. Garnish with parsley.

Nutrition Facts

Total Calories 339

Total Fat 9 g

% Daily Total Fat 23

Cholesterol 97 g

Sodium 634 mg

Total Carbohydrates 34 g

Protein 30 g