Turkey Tortellini Soup



1 1/2 lbs cheese tortellini, fresh or frozen

3/4 c unsalted butter

1 qt chopped onion

1 #10 Can crushed tomatoes in puree

4 Large carrots, peeled and thinly sliced

1/4 c fresh basil, chopped

1 tbsp sugar

1/2 tsp ground white pepper

2 tsp salt


8 c COOKED TURKEY, chopped

Parmesan cheese, freshly grated As needed



Prepare tortellini according to package directions.

Melt butter in large stockpot. Add onion and cook until onion is transparent, stirring frequently. Stir in tomatoes, carrots, basil, sugar, pepper, salt and broth. Heat to boiling; stirring occasionally.

Reduce heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Stir in tortellini and turkey. Cook to heat thoroughly.

Sprinkle each portion with Parmesan cheese. Serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts

280 Total Calories

90 Calories from Fat

10 g Total Fat

15 % Daily Total Fat

5 g Saturated Fat

15 % Daily Saturated Fat

75 g Cholesterol

25 % Daily Cholesterol

877 mg Sodium

37 % Daily Sodium

26 g Total Carbohydrates

9 % Daily Total Carbohydrates

3 g Dietary Fiber

12 % Daily Dietary Fiber

6 g Sugars

21 g Protein

45 % Daily Protein

25 % Daily Vitamin C

10 % Daily Calcium

15 % Daily Iron