NTF’s Table Talk: A Family Tradition with Koch’s Turkey Farm
Koch’s Turkey Farm is a family tradition, but it’s also a passion. That was evident when we spoke with Brock Stein, president of his family’s business.
The National Turkey Federation is pleased to continue the Table Talk series, giving you a glimpse of the hardworking men and women who sustain and support the turkey industry. In this edition of Table Talk, Stein shared about his role as part of the fourth generation of the family to lead Koch’s Turkey Farm. The desire to provide good products to consumers around the country and opportunities for their farmers, employees and local community was a driving force in Stein’s decision to continue in the family business.
Koch’s Turkey Farm is a turkey processor, and they play an important role in the turkey supply chain by delivering products to grocery stores and restaurants. In our conversation, Stein shared his perspective on opportunities for the turkey industry and what he wishes consumers knew about turkey production. And it should come as no surprise that a traditional Thanksgiving meal featuring turkey is Stein’s favorite way to eat this versatile protein. But they don’t wait until November – this meal is served almost monthly in their household!
Check out our full Table Talk conversation with Koch’s Turkey Farm!
What’s Next for Table Talk?
We all know turkey is a cut above the rest. Keep your eyes peeled for the next Table Talk where we’ll hear from an NTF member who produces some of the equipment essential to getting our favorite sliced lunchtime (or any time, really) essentials to consumers.